For at one time you were darkness, but now you walk as children of Light (Ephesians 5:8)
CHIRON: THE WOUNDED HEALER  The famous psychiatrist, Carl Jung, based his philosophy on archetypes, imago matches, shadow sides, and the healing of hidden wounds as the key to achieve good mental health. Chiron, as a symbol in Astrology, very much resembles a key. Chiron represents where you have been wounded in life, and once you ‘unlock’ and examine the wounding, you will have the power to heal yourself. It’s very important to reflect upon the House in which Chiron falls — are you wounded in your 10th House, which is your career? in your First House, which means you are your own worst enemy?
My advanced degree in Psychology and my 30+ years’ experience in Astrology combine to help you discover your hidden wounds, your Shadow Side, your archetypes and your imago match. Give me a call at 214.616.5950 or use our handy CONTACT FORM and let’s get started with a personal, individualized reading for you and bring forth into the Light your hidden wounds so that you may heal.